Well I have been pretty busy since the last time I posted. We where able to go to WV to visit with our DS over Thanksgiving. What a lovely state look forward to visiting again. Had a great time with the DS and the grandpuppy.
I have also been doing some stitching.
I finished up 8 Kissing Pillows for Soldiers:

I crocheted an afghan for my DD (the grandpuppies put a hole in the other one I stitched for her):

My ANG group is doing the Mystery Sampler by Sue Reed found on the ANG website. After our meeting Saturday I got caught up to where I should be with our class:

I then started another Sue Reed class. This was our October ANG meeting project:
It is her Stitching for Autism piece I am enjoying this piece also learning more about Autism. We hope to also do this with my EGA group next year.
I also finished up a couple of ornaments and a giftie pictures next week because they are for the EGA holiday party on Tuesday.
Well it seems that this will be last week on sick leave. My follow up appointment is this week and I figure I will be heading back to work next Monday. I am thankful that everything seems to be have gone well with my surgery and recovery!
Until next time,
May you be blessed with stitches,