She is pretty much over the hiding in fact she is becoming quite the lap cat. All weekend when I was sitting trying to stitch she was right with me. We did work out an arrangement that she is more next to me then right on my lap under my stitching frame. She still runs off a little bit but what a change in a week. She also has made herself at home in bed with us. I don't know if 4 am is the best time to need some petting though:)!
On the stitching front I have been working on my correspondence course:

Not much to look at yet. I hope to have all the borders done in the next few days and then start on the interior. Hope I can get it done by Mid March.
Well it looks like we may get hit with a major snow fall this week of course it is predicted to start the afternoon when we have our EGA meeting not so fun!!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Until next time
May you be blessed with stitches,