I started this last Sunday evening and am please with my progress. I am thinking this may be a Christmas gift. It does remind me of a tropical crazy quilt.
On the tatting front:

I did have some problems. I was working along on my first bookmark the green and pink and when I went to do a join I split the threads:(! Unfourtnantely I did it so bad I could not have cut it and rejoined. Lesson learned slow down a little bit. I did play around with some smaller thread also which I do like the look of. I am thinking I need to just set one to two days a week to devote to tatting. It seems when I am jumping to stitching sometimes I get a little hurried not a good thing. I do want to get a little more proficient before I try to do the next lesson.
Yesterday was my Chicago ANG meeting. It was a wonderful day. I got my critique back on Garden Walk. I was really nervous about this so much so I all most gave up on the project. But the reviews came back and they were so complimentary I was astounded. The DH said why are you suprised I guess you are your own worse critic. Since this was my first correspondence course complition I received my thimble pin for my nametag:

The other pins are for completed monthly classes and workshops. It is also the 25th anniversay for the guild. We had a nice luncheon and we all received these wonderful gifts:

The flowers is a pattern for an eyeglass case. I really should do that for my sunglasses maybe I would remember to wear them like I am supposed to. Then we got a notebook went right into the bag I bring for meetings and a wonderful travel mug. The board has decided we should go green for our meetings so the cup will go in my bag also. I am really happy that I joined this group it a great bunch of stitchers and I have learned a lot!
Until next time
May you be blessed with stitches,